Cold? Weather for soups!
A special soup for cold winter days!

- 1 carrot
- 2 medium-sized potatoes
- 4 pumpkins
- 1 tbsp. onion flakes or garlic powder Charma
- 3 bay leaves Charmon
- Plenty of chopped celery
- 1/2 green pepper
- 1/2 red pepper
- Zest of half a lemon
- Juice of a large lemon
- Black pepper Charma, chilli Charma, curry Charma, paprika and chili Charma)
- Himalayan salt Charma
- 5-6 tbsp olive oil
- 3 medium-sized fish for fish soup (eg. Grouper, monkfish, Skorpidi, cod, sea bream, sea bream, khans, salmon)
- We cut the carrot, the peppers, the onions, the potatoes and the pumpkins and we place them in a wide and shallow pot.
- We add the chopped celery, bay leaf, lemon zest, olive oil, salt, spices and some warm water just enough to cover up the vegetables. (Do not put too much water because the vegetables especially the pumpkins will make plenty of fluids).
- We close the pot and the vegetables are cooked for about 15 minutes until tender.
- Then, open the lid and stir with a wooden spoon.
- Place a net over the vegetables (a tool suitable for steam cooking) and put within this fish after you wash it and clean it well.
- Close the lid and leave on low heat for 15 to 20 minutes depending on how big and thick are fish.
- When you spend 15-20 minutes, close the stove, open the lid and remove the fish.
- Remove their bon and their skin and we put them in small pieces into the pot.
- We add lemon juice and stir.
- Finally, we serve in plates and sprinkle a little extra freshly ground pepper Charma.
- Serve with nuts or fresh bread.
Bon appetit!