- 1/3 cup. olive oil
- 1/2 tbsp. Onion flakes Charma
- 2 tsp. Garlic powder Charma
- 880 g. fresh mussels cleaned and washed
- 2 squid sliced
- 300 g. fresh shrimp
- 1/3 cup. Ouzo
- 3 chopped ripe tomatoes without seeds
- 500 g. spaghetti gluten
- Salt Himalayan Charma
- freshly ground pepper Charma (for more fragrant dish select a Pepper-mills with four different kinds of pepper Charma)
- a little chopped parsley
- 2-3 dried chili peppers

- Clean the mussels, pulling the mustache in the opposite direction and rub the shell with a clean sponge or brush. Wash them and put them in a colander.
- Peel the prawns, removing the shell and holding heads joined to the body.
- Slice the squid.
- Boil pasta in salted water, 2 ‘less than is indicated on the packaging.
- Heat the oil in a large deep skillet and saute onion and crushed garlic over high heat for 2′-3 ‘. Add the prawns and squid and saute for 2 ‘3’ to change color. Add the ouzo.
- Allow to completely evaporate ouzo. With slotted spoon, remove the shrimp and squid in dish. Cover and set aside.
- Add tomatoes and mussels. Cover and place over high heat for 3′-4 ‘to open the mussels and make their liquids. Dangling twice the pan in order to open more easily. Those that cant’ open you have to removed and throw them away. Add the prawns and the squid again.
- With tongs and as drip pour the cooked pasta to seafood sauce. Drizzle with a little olive oil. Grate plenty of pepper. Stir and cook over high heat for 2′-3 ‘to drink the liquid spaghetti of seafood and sauce.
- Fresh mussels are delicious and usually do not add salt in cooking, so you should first taste them and then add more salt.
- At the end of cooking sprinkle chopped parsley. Mix into bowls and serve immediately.
Bon appetit!